Quick Facts
Place of Origin: Bangladesh is located in South Asia and borders India from three sides.
Language: Bangla and English
Religion: 85% of persons living in Bangladesh are Muslims, 16% are Hindus, and only 0.3% are Christians.
Population: 133 million
The meaning of the Bangladeshi flag: The green colour is the symbol for their religion but also for the green lands of Bangladesh. The red symbolizes the bloodshed in the fight for independence. The disk shape symbolizes a rising new country.
Status in GTA: There are at least two evangelical churches in GTA that are made up substantially of Bangladeshi Muslim-background followers of Jesus. We know of at least two Canadian mission organizations giving some loving focus and affectionate attention to Bangladeshi Muslims.
When did Bangladeshis first come to Canada?
In the 1960s professionals migrated from Bangladesh to Canada.
Some came for a higher education and professional training in different job fields. The migration of Bangladeshis increased and made its peak in the 1980s.
Where do Bangladeshi Muslims predominantly gather in the GTA?
A number of Bangladeshis live in concentrated areas across the GTA, including the Danforth Village and Crescent Town areas of East York (especially Victoria Park and Danforth Ave intersection area with Dentonia Park); Scarborough; Ajax; southwest Brampton, York University Heights; Milton; north Richmond Hill.

Population estimate in the GTA: 23,400+
What are Bangladeshi Muslims' lives like?
- Bangladeshi are in the middle-high income realm in Canada.
- They have lots of business stores, groceries, clothing and restaurants in the GTA.
- Bangladeshis love to cook rice, fish, roti, with sauces like curry.
- The traditional greeting for Bangladeshi Muslims is "Asalamu alaikum" to which one would respond and say "wa alaikum salam."
- Many marriages are arranged and take place once parents decide that their child should be married.
What do Bangladeshi Muslims believe?
- Most Bangladeshis are Muslims, and Muslims are categorized into: Sunnis and Shia. Most Bangladeshis are Sunnis.
- They believe in many celebrations such as: Eid ul-Fitr, Eid ul-Adha, Muharram, Milad un Nabi, Shab-e-Barat and Chand Raat and Bishwa Ijtema (which is the largest and most notable congregation of Muslims in Bangladesh).
- The teachings are primarily from the Quran and Prophet Mohammed.
- They believe in going to the Mosques.
- Some Bangladeshis believe in Hinduism and go to the Bengali Hindu Temple in North York.They do not believe in a Creator God but, in the interconnectedness of all things.